There is a common idea that what we say expresses our individuality. In her solo Michelle Moura works with ventriloquism to outsmart this logos and give herself up to a preverbal world. A chimerical body moves within sonic dissociations and physical landscapes whose mechanisms can be grotesque. Through misspeaking the performance bespeaks a diversity of voices in an act of its decoupling from the body. As an entity between physis and psyche the voice leaves the body of the performer without quite belonging to her: possessed, perhaps alive, perhaps dead.
Choreography and Performance: Michelle Moura / Dramaturgy: Maikon K / Texts: Maikon K, Michelle Moura / Sound Design: Kaj Duncan David / Lighting Design: Annegret Schalke / Lights: Cathy Walsh / Costumes: Thelma Bonavita / Make-Up: Kysy Fischer / Curtain: Sonja Jokiniemi / Distribution: Something Great