A long-winded lament. A comic tragedy unfolds in Ligia Lewis's latest stage work. With a unique theatrical language full of dark humor and surrealist imagery, darkness is invoked as a place of imaginative potential. Historiography's exclusion of black and non-Western subjects is leveraged through the choreography, performed in the form of a musical complainte. "Still Not Still" disrupts any fantasy of historical progress and conceives a world out of time, a world at a standstill.
Concept, choreography & artistic direction: Ligia Lewis / Performance: Boglárka Börcsök, Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust, Corey-Scott Gilbert, Cassie Augusta Jørgensen, Justin Kennedy, Jolie Ngemi, Damian Rebgetz / Dramaturgy: Maja Zimmermann / Outside Eye: Dragana Bulut / Lighting design & technical direction: Joseph Wegmann / Sound design, composition: S. McKenna / Acoustic and Electric Guitar: Joey Gavin / Set design: Claudia Besuch (Gali) / Costume: Marta Martino / Assistance: Lissa-Johanna Volquartz / Stage technician (tour): Şenol Şentürk / Production management: Hannes Frey (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) / Production assistance: Vera Laube (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) / Production, touring & distribution: Nicole Schuchardt, Sina Kießling